
Project 3rd Space won “Best Art Exhibit”!

Project 3rd Space won “Best Art Exhibit”!

SkyART is thrilled to announce that Project 3rd Space participants were the recipients of the award for “Best Art Exhibit” at the 2019 Project Innovationshowcase on May 23, 2019! Teen artists’ works were on display alongside many other notable organizations working with youth on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) curricula. At the showcase event, SkyART youth impressed the judges, not only with their artwork but also with their passion and excitement about SkyART.

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Since 2001, SkyART has been inspiring Chicago youth with free arts programs. We have done this with the help of an incredibly generous community of supporters, all of whom believe in the power of the arts to help realize limitless potential. Please join our family.