SkyARTs’ Artists’ Garden has transformed four city lots into a vibrant green space. Participants learn about growing a variety of vegetables, cook and eat healthy food they harvest themselves in our Family Table Program, and make art that enhances the garden and community. The Artist’s Garden is a place where young people can tend plots alongside neighborhood adults. SkyART participants can connect with nature and to learn important skills for self-reliance. Even more, participants get to bring fresh, healthy food home to their families. Finally, participants give back to the community as they donate extra produce to neighborhood food pantries.
The Artists’ Garden is very large for a community garden in Chicago. A gravel path winds through the spacious garden. A mosaic sitting area is located at the south end of the garden. This sitting area allows gardeners to take breaks and cool off as it is located under a large cottonwood tree. Raised beds are located in the northwest and southwest sections of the garden. In the middle is a water source and herb garden. Also in the middle, are Artists’ Garden Rules, posted in both English and Spanish. These rules remind gardeners to respect the plots of others. A flower garden is what visitors see when they first enter from Brandon Avenue. The Artists’ Garden has always been an organic garden. A compost bin is located just outside of the garden.
The Artist’s Garden is a source of inspiration, community and fun!